Monday 2 May 2016

XD very late update

Hey guys! Yes, I know this update is late, very late. I won't lie to you, I've been very busy and been constantly forgetting about this blog. XD yes. I have been forgetting about this blog. So yeah. Here's another update. After you have done trial 001, you should have quested a bit more and unlocked trial 002.

Trial 002:

You will want to guard right off the bat as he removes buffs and deals a fixed percentage health attack, that takes out 110% of your health. No other way to survive it.

Actually, with current units, the rest of the fight is easy peasy. Just remember to guard on the first turn. You can probably nuke him down in like two turns. So yeah. Nothing much to talk about.

So this is a pretty short update. I won't be updating on simple stuff like this anymore. The rest of the stuff aren't that simple. And I will probably be doing unit reviews. So yah. Stay tuned!